It’s Time For One Million White People Who Are Not Nazis to March on Washington:
I simply can’t imagine hating a person so much that I’d stick her toothbrush up my rectum and eagerly wait for her to use it. I could also never conceive of taking time and energy to rub my dirty tampons over another person’s personal belongings, later watching her sleep with the items within her personal body space each night . . No conscience. No nothing.
Brianna Brochu has actually CONFESSED to doing these and other detestable things to her college roommate. In addition, she posted the details and pics of her disgustingly disturbing deeds on social media, calling her victim “Jamaican Barbie.”
Personally, I’d categorize this behavior as an indicator of mental illness, but it is this type of viral insanity that makes me know that hateful white folks feel safe and secure in this increasingly volatile American landscape we call home and they believe they can get away with virtually ANYTHING.
It is certifiable that there is endless footage of Black men, women, and children being abused, beaten, and murdered for the perusal of anyone who cares to see it. Yet, the absence of action and pointed decisions by the U.S. Justice System keep racists at ease as they realize that even the most egregious cases won’t arouse the shame or the conscience of anyone who has the power to do something about it. Consequently, what amounts to hate crimes will fly under the radar or will be ignored entirely because Black lives don’t really matter to most White folks. These evil events are not socially appalling to enough White Americans to cause outrage in an up-close and personal way. Sadly, this is the legacy White America is passing on to its children.
After all is said and done, we can dispose of the myth that we are living in a post-racial America when even middle, high school, and college kids are aware enough of White supremacist principles that they brashly post their own racial aggression on social media.
Just look at a few of the recent national news headlines as young White Americans proudly out themselves:
- “Middle School Football Team Simulated Sex On Black Players, Saying 'We’re Going To F**k The Black Out Of These African Children From Uganda”
- “White Teens Lynch Bi-racial 8-year-old Boy.”
Again, these types of events cannot continue to happen around our country with not so much as a raised eyebrow from the White communities that house, raise, and shelter these individuals.
I think it’s time for WHITE folks to take to the streets in protest, sending the signal that you won’t continue to tolerate and/or ignore the inhumane treatment of fellow citizens. (Yes, the U.S. has Black citizens who have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as much as any White American.)
And I didn’t say Black people should protest with a few White allies intermingled. Simply put, this is not a problem that Black people created or one that Black people continue to perpetuate, so why should Black Americans be required to continue fighting this battle?
I am clearly stating:
It is time for White folks to take over the war on this white supremacist society that was created for their own comfort and privilege.
Any takers?